
I help high achieving corporate women feel passionate about their job again!


  • Danielle

    I was facing extreme stress, anxiety, weight loss and unhappiness in my job...now I have applied for a job and met with the manager about a role and feel confident in this!

  • Kate

    It was fantastic to work with an Australian coach, and Michelle was really friendly, enthusiastic and approachable. She has helped me to focus on establishing practices to support a better a work/life balance... I now can recognise when things are going downhill and have strategies I can put in place to make sure that I’m a better leader, team member, friend and parent.

  • Autumn

    Michelle is an incredibly generous coach and goes to great ends to give you the resources necessary to tackle the big things you're working on. Through my coaching with Michelle, I've been able to feel more secure in my relationship without making everything mean something has gone wrong!

  • Laura

    I’ve had a couple of sessions with Michelle around imposter syndrome at work and my thoughts around presentations. I really like her approach – she’s warm, direct, calming and focused. She’s already helped me shift my mindset!

  • Sian

    Coaching with Michelle is an absolute delight and she is really helping me to think about my finances in a more positive light and how to stop living in scarcity. I feel far less apprehensive talking about money now. I've started researching the best way to save it, whereas before I thought there was no point and I'm finally starting to ask for what I think I'm worth. Thanks Michelle!

  • Brooke

    Michelle Kevill has been a catalyst in my self growth and personal evolution. In just 6 sessions of coaching, Michelle has helped me approach topics that I didn't know how to coach myself through, such as relationship anxiety, shame, and self worth. I can't count the number of times per day that I think back to something wise that Michelle once said to me and try to apply it to my situation.

    I have learned how to more effectively coach myself when feelings come up, and through her direct coaching, I have made improvements in my ability to enjoy my job, I have greatly reduced my anxiety around relationships, and tackled a lot of deep rooted perfectionism and self-worth issues.

    Michelle's coaching is mind-blowingly awesome, and then she sends notes from your session with main take-aways and homework. Working with her on a consistent basis has deepened the impact that the experience has had on me, and I 100% plan to work with her again. My confidence is greater, my emotions are more stable, and I am not letting my own thoughts hold me back any longer.

  • Ruth

    My journey with Michelle is still evolving but I am so grateful to have someone I can talk things through with every week, to get things in perspective and who is totally fighting in my corner.

    With Michelle I am learning to work through things that have previously felt impossible, like being my full self with other people. I have always shown only what I wanted to the world, and hidden away the parts of me that I didn't feel were good enough. With Michelle I have practised letting things out and when they're in the light, they lose the power, and it has been amazing just to say the nonsense in my head and have someone hear me and still accept me, even if I'm talking nonsense, and after a while, the panic passes. I'm slowly learning to like and even love myself, even though I say and do things that don't make sense sometimes.

  • Emma

    Michelle is such a wonderful, supportive and enthusiastic coach! She has helped me so much with my anxiety and starting a new job, and has given me tools to help alleviate stress and worries. I feel so empowered!

  • KIM

    Michelle has been my coach for around 18 months. After years of work with different psychologists I can honestly say that my work with Michelle has been far more helpful and beneficial to my wellbeing

    Michelle and I have worked through many issues together - a big goal I have, perfectionistic and unrealistic expectations, work challenges and family relationships. Michelle is a brilliant coach - supportive, compassionate and excellent at helping me think through issues in a different way. She challenges thoughts in a compassionate way.

    Overtime, this has helped me build a much better relationship with my children where I am able to be less reactive and more able to support them. This has helped me enormously tackle a big goal that I have wanted to do but have had so much mental drama around. I would recommend Michelle highly and look forward to my weekly sessions with her. 

  • Michelle

    Working with Michelle was a great opportunity and I highly recommend it for anyone that wants to dig deeper into their hidden belief patterns.

    She was very helpful dissecting the reasons I have formed habitual patterns and gave tools on how to break them and to form new ways of thinking and programming my life. She was always thoughtful, kind, and insightful. Please do yourself a favor, invest in you! Michelle's experience and knowledge can help bring you to the next level whether it is career goals, interpersonal skills, or just on having feedback on any area in your life.

  • Jennifer

    Michelle's coaching is fantastic. She has a keen ability to find the heart, or the center of an issue, very quickly. Her coaching helped me unravel some complicated, intertwined issues and I was able to see each issue more clearly, and decide how to deal with each one, individually. She follows up each coaching session with notes and provides feedback in between sessions. I would highly recommend working with Michelle.

  • Victoria

    I signed up to work with Michelle when I was having an altercation with my family.

    Within the first 3 sessions I had calmed down, and had learnt to look at the situation differently. I was beating myself up because I didn't want to take on the caring duties but felt I HAD to. I was able to remove myself from the situation, sit with all the emotions and that I was allowed to feel that way I love the way Michelle will hold space for any topic I need to discuss.

    From working with Michelle, I have now noticed that I've been believing my own BS for a while. I have now started to get curious again at the thoughts my brain offers me, not just believe them. Michelle shows love and compassion through her coaching and is very concise, she hones in on key thoughts and gets to work on them with you.

    I would recommend Michelle, I saw really big results in just 3 sessions, and now am delving deeper and deeper into my thoughts and working through things that have been ruling the way I live my life.

Hi, I’m Michelle

I help high achieving corporate women feel passionate about their job again!

I take your big career goals and make them a reality (without the burnout) AND show you how to have an EPIC life aswell!

So, how can I help you?

  • Free workbook

    Learn how to calm down quickly in the most stressful of work situations and show up confidently with my free workbook!

  • My Podcast

    Learn how to create a real work/life balance an find passion in your job again.

  • Epic Work & Life Program

    Work with me in my 1:1 6 month coaching program.

    A tailored program for those that want fast results going after big career goals (without the overwhelm) and live an EPIC life!!

Hear directly from my clients…

Tiela shares the process that landed her a job interview

Tiela Black-Law
San Francisco, USA

Victoria shares the process to overcome stressful money problems

Victoria Morgan-Hill
London, United Kingdom

Hannah now handles stressful work situations with confidence

Hannah Martin
London, United Kingdom

Brooke describes the process she learned to go after her dream career

Brooke Ahlegian, Educator,
Seattle Washington, USA

Nat tells us how she gets more done in less time

Nat Akai
Sydney, Australia

Autumn talks about the business she created when she believed in her value

Autumn Eastman,

FAE & Functional Hormone Specialist,

Vermont, USA


free workbook

Learn how to calm the f*ck down at work (quickly) and show up confidently!

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